Sunday, July 29, 2007

Description of blog colors

We made a color change on the Blog. I thought I would let you know its significance. I picked the green yesterday as it reflects new beginnings. The peach color Jessica picked. You see peach is the color for ribbons and such for uterine cancer. Jessica wears a bracelet with the different colors of cancer on it at all times. It is the only jewelry type item I have seen Jessica wear for any length of time. So when you see these odd colors you know the significance of the choices. Also you can add comments to us and we love that. We check them and they warm our hearts. Thanks so much. We want to thank our sweet Robert Boulter, Alisa's husband, for creating the Blog and always helping us stay tech savvy. He is very sweet about it, not to mention brilliant. Coming soon will be pictures of Jessica. Robert will edit it and add some soon. For those who don't have web access we will print and mail copies to you about once a month or so.


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that my family and I have you in our thoughts and prayers. I know that the Ward is praying for you as well. Good luck and let us know if you need anything.

Love, Brother Kemp

Brad Burr said...

Jessica and family, I was pleased to hear that you are doing better. I am sorry for the depay in getting a message to you. I have not used blogs before so this is a new experience.

Just as Brother Kemp and his family stated all of you are in our prayers. Keep the faith. I will be out of town until Saturday and will not have access to a computer. I will be anxious to hear how all are doing when I return. This is a much needed break.

Bro Burr