Sunday, August 12, 2007

I decided to make an extra effort to update the blog for today. Jess did quite well today. A special someone left beautiful red roses on our step this morning. Robert opened the door and found them. They are the most beautiful color of red. Jess was down this morning when she woke up. She gets discouraged at the pain that will jar her awake and not cease. She was really cheered up by the roses. We don't know who left them but we sure are enjoying them. I had fun arranging them in a red vase. I broke out my special antique flower frogs that hold flowers in place in a vase. Bishop Bur thank you for the books on the temple for Jessica we appreciate that a lot. We were talking that this Wednesday would be a perfect day to go to the temple as I am off work. Mom is at the temple that morning so we could go when she is off maybe. Then I remembered that my recommend is expired. So I don't think it would work out. Mom made Sunday dinner for us and it was divine. Mom thank you so much for your hard work. We sure enjoyed it. Jessica napped after dinner and she said she enjoyed hearing the wind in the trees outside the bedroom window at Granny's. It has been a good day. After Jessica got on top of her pain she enjoyed the Sabbath day. Love you all. Thanks again for your notes. Jessica says "I appreciate everyone that cares about me and is praying for me. It makes me cry everybody who is so kind and thoughtful to me and us".

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